John came over the other day and helped put the other fuel tank that he fixed on the machine. The older tank might have flown its last time due to stress on the spot where the leak is when it is mounted on the machine. John has fixed it twice and even though we thought it was fixed it keeps pulling the weld apart after minor usage. The other tank is also repaired ,but the leak in it was at the top of the tank and in a different spot so I do not believe it will give me any more trouble. We flew the other afternoon and it was a beautiful day to be up and about. The haze of summer was gone and we could see everything. This picture here was taken a while back in the summer. Unfortunately I forgot my camera the other afternoon, but John took a bunch so I will try to get some of those for the site soon.
We were flying around Joe's house when out of sky came another PPC pilot and we were quite shocked to see another pilot in the area. After attempting to contact them on radio w/ no luck the plane landed at Joes. I landed also and found out it was Jerry Claytor also of Bedford and him and his wife were out also enjoying the afternoon. He said he lent out his patch cord so that was the reason he was not able to talk to us while we were flying. They came over and visited for a while and than headed back home.
John, Joe, and I have also all been talking about this new Sport Pilot making its way into PPCing and we all seem to have very mixed feeling about it and the verdict is still out on our approval yet. It seems w/ the list of good things it will bring to powered parachuting their is a much longer one for bad things. We are all still trying to learn more about it so we can make a better decision with all the facts, but until than we will keep flying and enjoying our sport.
1 comment:
Did you sell your Plane. I see you don't fly anymore.
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