It was a beatiful afternoon today and I was over Joes and decided to try to get an hour in before it got dark. Their was no breeze and everything seemed perfect for a smooth flight, until I started filling the machine up w/ gas. I was filling it up and all of sudden I looked down at the tank and I noticed a small stream running down the side of the tank. Before I could even turn the pump off to stop filling the machine their was a steady stream of gas running down the side of the tank. Unfortunately where Kiwi had fixed my tank a while back it sprung a new leak. I guess it was just not meant to be w/ this tank. I still have the other tank that Kiwi also fixed and I am crossing my fingers that it want leak and I will be back flying soon and then I will have pictures of us flying.
How can you take anyone else up. You have to fly from the back seat in that thing.
You got me!!
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