I went over to the Funny Farm yesterday afternoon to get some flying in but ran into a little problem. My gas tank sprang a leak a while back and between Buckeye and my instructor Jeff I have not been able to get my hands on a new one. That is a long story in itself but Joe talked to Jeff yesterday and we might get one in by Thursday.
I had to make some adjustments to the prop yesterday and after doing so I was taxing around to warm up the engine. After getting the engine ready I pulled up to where we normally take off from and after getting out to lay my chute out for takeoff I smelt gas. After further investigation Joe and I found that the leak was back and I was loosing fuel so instead of flying we spent the nice afternoon draining the tank.
Jeff told us that when Buckeye went bankrupt a while back that they sold the mold of the gastank to someone else and since than that person has also went under. This leaves me in a spot since Buckeye said they only have new tanks but that it should work. Thankfully Joe and Dubose are around because when it comes to engineering something in that isn't made to fit I believe those two can do it.
Needless to say I am very dissapointed in Buckeye but mabye they are right and we will have no problems getting the new one to fit. Might have to use some bubble gum and shoestrings but I will fly again.
The gas tank problem is dry rot. This comes from not flying.
Dont sweet the small stuff. I know a guy that can build you a custom gas tank like the bigtime TV motorcycle builders do for a hand full of hundred dollar bills. Bungy cords and a five gallon gas can will do.
Congrats on the new baby also. Hope everyone is well!!!
What happens if the bungy cord breaks?
Why don't you take the engine off get some bicycle parts and peddle your way up in the air.
Are you ever going to fly again?
We need to see proof of the gas tank rebuild. We need pictures of this so called gas leak.
This sounds like A Buckeye excuse. They tell customers things like this all the time.
We have heard your staying at home with your son staying up all night drinking and eating pizza instead flying. This can't keep going on or we are going to join another flying club!
The membership is begining to dwindle.
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