These were taken yesterday when Kiwi and I went up flying. It was not the best day up there for taking pictures since it was so hazy. When we took off their was very little wind blowing, but while we were up it started to pick up a bit. Kiwi was funny when he said he finally gets his letter to fly from our instructor Jeff and his first flight is the worst weather he has flown in. I was also caught in some wind that actually might have been the worse I have ever been in since I have been flying. I had just made a touch and go and was going back around w/ everything going smooth when I just started bouncing and swinging. I was close to a mountain so I am guessing the wind was swirling around it and really disrupting my air. After being beat around a couple minutes I headed back to the field for a final so I didn't have to fight the wind anymore.
Kiwi stayed up and said he was starting to have fun in the wind. I am the opposite and would just rather stay on the ground if it is not smooth flying. Kiwi came back to the field and set it down like pro with a perfect landing making it look easy, but I know he was a little nervous after his fun windy flight.