Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Windy Flight

These were taken yesterday when Kiwi and I went up flying. It was not the best day up there for taking pictures since it was so hazy. When we took off their was very little wind blowing, but while we were up it started to pick up a bit. Kiwi was funny when he said he finally gets his letter to fly from our instructor Jeff and his first flight is the worst weather he has flown in. I was also caught in some wind that actually might have been the worse I have ever been in since I have been flying. I had just made a touch and go and was going back around w/ everything going smooth when I just started bouncing and swinging. I was close to a mountain so I am guessing the wind was swirling around it and really disrupting my air. After being beat around a couple minutes I headed back to the field for a final so I didn't have to fight the wind anymore.
Kiwi stayed up and said he was starting to have fun in the wind. I am the opposite and would just rather stay on the ground if it is not smooth flying. Kiwi came back to the field and set it down like pro with a perfect landing making it look easy, but I know he was a little nervous after his fun windy flight.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Finally have video on the blog

Powered Parachute

Kiwi and I finally figured out how to get some of our videos on the blog so now we can show everyone what it is like when we fly. We actually don't have that many videos of us flying, but now that we know how to get them up we will start filming a lot more. I am still learning everyday about new stuff I can do w/ the blog and hopefully it will only get easier. I believe this video was taken sometime in the fall of last year at Rowell International of me doing a touch and go w/ Kiwi filming.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

More shots of the Kentucy Fly-in back in June

Kiwi finally gave me a disk w/ all of his pictures he took while at the Kentucky Fly-in. He was able to get some really nice shots and I picked out a couple that I liked of around 100. I can't believe it has been so long since we were up in Ky.
I was able to fly for about 30 minutes yesterday and try out my new EGT probe we installed. I have had problems w/ my EGT lately bouncing from 900 to 1700 every couple seconds. We changed all the connections and one of the EGT probes but w/ no luck. I guess we will try changing the other EGT probe and if that doesn't work Joe thinks we should look into gettting a new EIS. I have a Taskem now and if we go that route I think I will try to get a Grand Rapids since Joe has one and it has more options on it.
If anyone has any suggestions on my problems w/ my EGT I would greatly appreciate any information that could fix my problems.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No new flying stories

Unfortunately no new flying pics but I found a couple that I don't believe have been on the blog yet. Hopefully we will have some weather that will cooperate soon. Kiwi has ordered the tools and supplies that he believes will be able to fix my gas tank problems. It would be nice to have a gas tank that wouldn't leak so I don't have to worry about that anymore.
I went to the Hospital today for my stress test and according to the Dr everything looks as normal as it can for me, and I should be fine.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Finally flying again

Well, I finally was able to get back up in the air and see what flying was like again. The gas tank problem is just that, still a problem. Joe had to grind the tank down a little so we could get it to fit, but in doing so we put another hole in it.
Fortunetly the hole is at the top of the tank and we were able to temporarily fix it so I could fly w/ Kiwi and Joe the other afternoon.
Kiwi finally got his letter from our instructor Jeff and he is a happy pilot now. He said he had some of his worse landings yet but I think in whole he did a good job while Jeff was watching him.
I thought Jeff was going to get to fly w/ us but we ran out of daylight so he had to do all his flying from the ground.
I took a little time off from posting due to the other night at work I ended up at the ER with heart palpitations. After about 5 hours there they let me go w/ a monitor that I had to wear for 24 hours. I have a stress test scheduled next week, and than a follow up w/ the Dr. to find out what is going on w/ my ticker. I don't believe it is going to amount to anything and I should be back to normal in no time.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Kiwi can fly

These were taken yesterday of Kiwi flying. He bought his machine last year and already has almost enough hours to test out for his BFI. I believe that he has the best looking PPC that I have ever seen. He was telling me yesterday about the bars that come down in the front and how they do obstruct some of his view as he flys but that you get kind of use to it. I hope to fly his soon and than fly mine right after it so I can compare them.

Almost Ready to Fly

Joe and I put the new gas tank in yesterday afternoon. I snapped this picture after we were done and placed the old tank beside it to show the difference in tanks. There is a big void now where the old tank followed up the back of the seat. The tanks both hold 10 gallons but they are shaped quite a bit different.
We ran into a couple small problems, but Joe was able to think outside the box and fix them. This is where I run into problems, if it doesn't work the way it is suppose to than I have a chance of breaking something from frustration.
I plan on going back over to the farm today and taxiing it just to make sure everything is working right and if the weather and machine cooperate maybe even get to fly.
I had a crazy dream last night that Joe and Kiwi were taking off beside me and than my machine took off w/out me on it. It just kept going up while I chased it w/ my line socks and parachute bag. It finally landed right beside a lake in someones back yard. I have to admit it landed pretty smooth considering their was no pilot. I guess I dreamed this cause it has been so long since I have flown.haha

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Need a babyseat for a Buckeye

Kiwi came over to the Funny Farm yesterday to get some flying in and we decided that it was time for Noah's first flight. Unfortunately Noah did not meet the height/weight requirements and he was not able to go up. I guess he will have to wait a couple more years before he can get his first flight in.
Even though Noah didn't get to fly Kiwi went up for about 45 minutes. I was still grounded due to the gas tank problem and I had hoped to have it done yesterday, but Noah kept us pretty busy so not much work was done on the tank. Joe believes he can make the tank work and hopefully I will get back over there today and be able to help him.
I got some pretty good pictures yesterday of Kiwi flying, but I liked this one because it looks like the chute has grabbed and pulled his head back as well. haha

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Update on gas tank

I just got off the phone w/ Joe and he told me the gas tank is here and we should be able to install it this afternoon. This tank is not identical to the one that was broken but according to Buckeye it should fit. I believe that if anyone can get it to work Joe will be the one.
Joe is one of those guys that seems to know a little about everything and able to figure out how anything works. I am the complete opposite of that and even when I read the instructions of putting something together I have problems. When Joe was in the service he worked on jets so for him to work on PPCs is nothing.
I hope to have some new photos of us flying at the Funny Farm tonight and I will post them as soon as I get them.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gas Problem

I went over to the Funny Farm yesterday afternoon to get some flying in but ran into a little problem. My gas tank sprang a leak a while back and between Buckeye and my instructor Jeff I have not been able to get my hands on a new one. That is a long story in itself but Joe talked to Jeff yesterday and we might get one in by Thursday.
I had to make some adjustments to the prop yesterday and after doing so I was taxing around to warm up the engine. After getting the engine ready I pulled up to where we normally take off from and after getting out to lay my chute out for takeoff I smelt gas. After further investigation Joe and I found that the leak was back and I was loosing fuel so instead of flying we spent the nice afternoon draining the tank.
Jeff told us that when Buckeye went bankrupt a while back that they sold the mold of the gastank to someone else and since than that person has also went under. This leaves me in a spot since Buckeye said they only have new tanks but that it should work. Thankfully Joe and Dubose are around because when it comes to engineering something in that isn't made to fit I believe those two can do it.
Needless to say I am very dissapointed in Buckeye but mabye they are right and we will have no problems getting the new one to fit. Might have to use some bubble gum and shoestrings but I will fly again.