We got to go up today for about an hour and it was some really nice flying weather. Kiwi and I went up the first time, but bumpy winds and radio problems brought us down after only about 5 minutes of flying. After the radio problem was fixed we went back up and, by than the wind had almost vanished. We both flew out of Joes Funny Farm and had a very smooth flight. I just buzzed around near the house and made one touch and go at Jerry Claytors house. He came out and while I was on approach and we talked for a bit by radio and than it was time for me to head back before it got to dark to fly. Kiwi got some neat video of him flying over his brother-in-laws house while his brother-in-law filmed him from the ground. I will try to post some of his videos, but for some reason I am still having problems being able to get them to post on the blog. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but I believe everyone else is going to take advantage of the weather and try to get some more flying in.