Beans taking offI know it has been a while since I last posted, but unfortunately the weather around here has been terrible for flying. We are getting the weather from tropical storm Ernesto right now and we are enjoying wind and rain from it. I did notice that the Red Baron who is flying coast to coast using a PPC is stuck right now also due to the weather I believe somewhere in GA. He is so close to making yet the weather just want cooperate to get it done. I hope he will be able to make soon and safely.
I hope to get myself back up in the air sometime soon, but I like to fly when their is almost no wind, and we all know that is almost unheard of around here. Maybe the weather will break coming up and we will finally get some decent flying weather.
This video was taken the last day I flew by Leah of me taking off from Rowell International. Leah would have taken more video and pictures but the camera battery died. This was the day Kiwi and I flew and the wind picked up that later in the flight. Iwish the camera battery would not have died because it could have taken some really good pictures of mine and Kiwi's happy faces as we landed safely.