Sunday, May 28, 2006

Smith Mountain Lake

These are some shots I got yesterday as Kiwi and I went flying. The photo of the water is Smith Mountain Lake near Hales Ford Bridge. I found out yesterday that it only takes around 15 minutes by air to get to the lake. It was some of the best scenery I have flown over yet. We have not had the best weather lately for flying so when we can get up we take advantage of it. Hopefully we will get into summer and have some great flying weather. I know I watch the weather now like I have never before looking for calm days.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Staunton River High School Baseball Photo

Here is a shot I got tonight as we were flying near Staunton River High School . I couldn't tell who was winning when we flew over but it was a great night for a baseball game. The school is only about 5 miles from the funny farm and we make frequent trips to the area.

Finally Have a Pic of The Chief of the Funny Farm

These are a couple pics I took today of Joe flying his PPC and of his ARFF(Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting) Tractor PR#2. This is just in case of any PPC crashes, notice the piercing nozzle on the front, haha. Joe is the man that got all of us started in PPCs and the one we all go to when we have any problems or need to make any changes. Joe stays pretty busy working at the farm but sometimes we get him out to fly w/ us and its always a treat.

Funny Farm Pics

This is a picture taken from the air of Joe's Funny Farm and also this is our runway we use right in front of his house.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Another PPC pilot at the funny farm.

Here is a picture of Chris about to take off at Joe's place the other week. Chris is the bravest pilot of all of us because as long as he has forward ground speed he thinks it is a good day to fly(haha).

Cross Country Powered Parachute Flight

Here is a link to a site about a guy who is attempting to make a cross-country flight in a powered parachute. Their is a log where you can keep up w/ their progress as the flight starts in CA and works its way to GA.
Good Luck

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This is a cool shot I got of Kiwi doing a low pass over the field using his new million dollar camera. I can't believe he even let me touch it..ha just kidding their Kiwi, but looks like the camera takes pretty good pictures.

Here is a picture taken a couple days ago at Rowell international of John aka "Kiwi" taking off for an afternoon flight.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Tree Top Flying

This was taken back in March on a nice calm day. This one was also at the Rowell International Tree Top Airport (my father-in-laws place).